International Workcamp with ATD Fourth World

“A Time for Both Celebration and Work”
Approximately 100 people took part in a week-long international workcamp organised by ATD Fourth World from 10 to 15 June at ATD Fourth World’s International Centre, in Méry-sur-Oise, France.
Lou sits in the sunshine, her hands covered in dirt, as she takes a short break. “It’s fun and different from what I’m used to,” explains the 24-year-old, who works in human resources for the tourism sector. She decided to spend three days participating in the international workcamp organised by ATD Fourth World. Laughing, she admits she’s not exactly a “DIY expert.” As such, she signed up for one of the outdoor activities available on the board set up in the dining hall: filling a hole with dirt. “I’m not here for the activity, but to meet people. We laugh, we tell each other our stories, and we ask questions. I wanted to learn about the experiences of those involved in ATD Fourth World, and I’ve definitely found what I was looking for,” she says. Lou was surprised by “how easily people talk to each other,” especially since she didn’t know anyone when she arrived.
A few metres away, a small group is busy repairing a bike, while music plays from the manoir, the communal living space at ATD Fourth World’s International Centre, which is being repainted. Paintbrushes in hand, Darleny and Valentine talk. Both are part of a youth group, one in Paris and the other in Colmar. They chose to join the international workcamp to “experience something outside of their usual environment and meet people from all walks of life.” At noon, everyone gathers for a meal prepared by a small group of participants. “My favourite time is mealtime. We eat well here,” exclaims Valentin, 19, from Beauvais. He spent the morning helping to build a large wooden hall.
Shaping ATD Fourth World
The atmosphere is relaxed. A group of ATD Fourth World members have just arrived from Belgium and receives a warm welcome. Those who slept on-site in Méry-sur-Oise discuss the film they watched together the previous evening. “This week is both a celebration and hard work,” explains Lucie, a Volunteer Corps member responsible for organising the international workcamp. Aside from maintaining and decorating this historic ATD Fourth World site, the attendees are there, above all, to “meet great people. It allows generations to come together. For us, that too is part of shaping ATD Fourth World,” she emphasises.
The workshop is open to everyone, whether or not they are familiar with ATD Fourth World.
“It’s for all ages, all physical conditions and all preferences. No one is left out; everybody contributes and is welcomed, whether it’s shovelling dirt, painting, repairing a bike, maintaining green spaces, cooking, or cleaning. We need all kinds of strengths and skills, but most of all, people need to want to be together,” Lucie explains. “We aimed for this week to be as inclusive as possible. People can come and go as they please, staying for a week or just a day. We pick them up from the train station and we can accommodate them on-site. We ask for a small financial contribution for meals and accommodation, based on each person’s means. The goal is flexibility and accessibility,” she adds.
When a rain shower interrupts the outdoor work activities, participants decide to make crêpes for the upcoming games night. This second edition of the week-long international workcamp has already met most of its objectives: participants are amazed at how much progress has been made and how quickly bonds have formed.
Photos: Week-long international workcamp from June 10 to 15, 2024, at ATD Fourth World’s International Centre in Méry sur Oise. © ATD Fourth World
This article was originally posted on ATD Fourth World France’s website.