Bruno Dabout

Bruno Dabout - Director General - ATD Fourth World

Bruno Dabout

Bruno Dabout first encountered ATD Fourth World through Tapori when he was a business school student in Lille, France. In 1979, he helped with ATD Fourth World’s “All Friends Learning Together” campaign for the International Year of the Child.

Bruno is passionate about education and the economy. Motivated by his desire to transform society alongside people experiencing extreme poverty, Bruno joined the ATD Fourth World Volunteer Corps in 1983. With his wife Pascale and their two children, Bruno lived in disadvantaged neighbourhoods in Thailand, the United States, and the Paris region of France.

Bruno has been responsible for projects with children, young people, and families living in poverty. He has contributed extensively to ATD Fourth World’s administrative and financial development, establishing evaluation programmes with ATD teams throughout the world. In addition, he has worked with international teams to implement ATD’s Strategic Ambitions that aim to build, in partnership with people in poverty, a just and sustainable world that leaves no one behind.

Bruno joined ATD’s International Leadership Team in 2017, serving as Deputy Director until 2021.

Articles by Bruno Dabout