Making the Voices of All Young People Count

120 young people, 10 European countries
From 7 to 11 July, 120 young people from 9 European countries will gather at the International Centre of All Together in Dignity – ATD Fourth World, in Méry-sur-Oise, France.
Together they will debate the conditions needed for the emergence of more inclusive societies. In doing so, they will contribute their voices and energy to the ongoing public consultations and events relate to the European Year of Youth.
For three days, young people aged 14 to 30, each with the experience of having to overcome obstacles due to marginalisation or poverty, will be brought together by All Together in Dignity – ATD Fourth World. They will come from 9 countries: Belgium, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Spain and Switzerland.
3 themes
During workshops, participants will work on themes pre-chosen before hand by the youths themselves. The themes are, education, school and vocational training, employment and work life, youth well-being and youth participation.
This work will contribute to the European Union’s structured dialogue*, particularly with relation to inclusive societies.
ATD Fourth World European youth groups will continue working together on the themes after the summer of 2022. They do so with a view to meeting European institution representatives in 2023. Also, 2023 marks 50 years of ATD Fourth World youth activism. See Key Moments in our History for examples.
Youth Action Week
The 2022 European Youth Gathering takes place a few days after the Council of Europe’s Youth Action Week in Strasbourg (#YouthActionWeek). It also happens on the eve of the European Union Youth Conference by the Czech Presidency (#EUYCPrague #YOUTHEU2022), in Prague on Monday 11, July 2022.
At a time when European institutions are questioning the role of young people in the democratic, social and environmental European project. ATD Fourth World is experimenting with forms of participatory democracy with young people who are often forgotten by youth movements. In various ways, the ideas and voices of young people gathered at ATD’s international centre will be promoted and made public. This will be done as contributions to European public consultations and debates.
To follow this activism and the voices of the young people on social media, use the hashtag #ATDYouth.
Closing session
The closing session will take place on Sunday 10, July at 4:30 pm (Paris time). During this, the young people will welcome representatives of French youth policy stakeholders. They will also welcome representatives of the European Youth Forum. A message will also be shared via social media to the youth participants at the European Conference in Prague.
This ATD Fourth World gathering has received the “European Year of Youth 2022” label.
* The 9th cycle of the EU Youth Dialogue will take place from 1 January 2022 to 30 June 2023 under the trio of presidencies France, Czech Republic and Sweden and will focus on youth objectives N°3 “Inclusive Societies” and N°10 “A Green and Sustainable Europe”.