ATD Fourth World’s national Netherlands office is based in The Hague, and another team works at a farm in Wijhe (near Zwolle). Members of the national ATD Fourth World Forum work in Amersfoort, Heerlen, Oss-Den Bosch, Utrecht, and Zwolle.
Access direct to the site of ATD Fourth World Netherlands.
For over 30 years, families in poverty have gone to Wijhe for vacations outside the city. Today it is a meeting and training center that mobilizes people of different social classes to learn together how to build a world without exclusion, particularly around October 17, World Day for Overcoming Poverty.
The national team in The Hague works to influence policy and build links with other organizations. Priorities for the whole of ATD Netherlands include reaching out to new families in poverty, developing a network of supporters, building a dynamic website, disseminating ATD Fourth World publications, and recruiting and training young people.
ATD Fourth World has been present in The Netherlands since 1970.
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